
Long time no see


Been a while since I posted, a lot going on!
We moved to a house in December so that have taken a lot of my time.
Despite that I intend to get some good tutorials and tips out here on Techmeaway during 2021, which will hopefully be a better year for us all 🙂

Having our own house now will open up for more diverse content here which will be fun.
I know that I have very few people reading this blog but still want to build up the amount of content and quality here.
If something I post here can help just one person I’d be happy!

I’ll also try to get some of my scripts up on GitHub and add the links here.
Also got a few 3D-designs that I should get out somewhere too, like our kitchen cabinet door handles.

Think I’ll start sharing a link to new articles on LinkedIn and Twitter from now on.

Thanks for reading this short update, hope you have a great day, catch ya in the next one!