
Powershell 7

This is gonna be awesome!

So Powershell 7 was released a few days ago and this is probably the feature I’m most hyped about!
Foreach-Object -Parallel

I’ve not had a lot of time to try it out and to write something interesting about it but here is Microsoft’s announcement:

You can download it from the official GitHub repo here:

The throttle limit is how many threads will be run at the same time, so your computers/servers limit is based on its CPU.
Might be good having task manager up with the performance tab open. A tip is to right click on the graph on the right and select “Change graph to logical processors” to see the load on each core, this also includes Hyper threading.

What are you most hyped about in Powershell 7?

What are you planning on doing with Foreach-Object -Parallel?

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